Everyone will remember where they were when Barack Obama became the 44th President of the United States.
But what tangible piece of memorabilia will symbolize this historic moment for you? What will you put away in a time capsule to share with your children, grandchildren, or great-grandchildren?
Is it your yardsign? A sticker? A campaign button?
I have three things that I'll be holding on to for posterity. . .
My three little pieces of history:
- A Barack Obama "Hope" Sticker. It is a limited edition. From what I understand, the Kennedy family paid to have these particular stickers printed up for distribution. There is an Obama quote on the back, with an image of his face.
- The Plain Dealer endorsement of Obama and the front page of today's paper.
- My journal entries into each of my children's journals about what I was feeling when Barack Obama addressed the nation as our President Elect and what I thought it meant for their futures.
(Oh, and my Barack Obama bobble head scored by my day care provider at a Cleveland Monsters hockey game. . . . )
And yours???