I've been reading the back and forth diaries of "will he or won't he?" on the public option for the past day, week, month, summer.
I have tried not to feel too deflated, too infuriated, too skeptical. But all this talk of balloons, tea leaves, red flags, signals, unnamed sources, it has been difficult to stay positive. (I can only imagine the toll it is having on fearless crusaders like Nyceve, slinkerwink, and other healthcare heroes.)
But today, thanks to Biden and my husband, I think I have reason to stay positive.
I'm officially throwing my hat in the ring for "Yes, he will" when it comes to Obama and support for the Public Option. Ride my wave of optimism over the jump. . .
Finally, a named administration source with some positive news.
VP Joe Biden.
According to an AP report (ok, boo AP, but it is what I've got), Biden is on the record as saying he predicts
"we're going to get something substantial" and said he believes "we're going to get there."
Ok, the devil is in the details and if they truly are letting Senator Snowe work on a public option with a trigger alternative, I'm sure many here will say health care reform won't be substantial.
My husband who works on a limited basis with AFL-CIO is helping out with the upcoming labor event in Cinci on Monday that will feature Obama with Rich Trumka. He is energized about what he is hearing regarding the message that Obama and Trumka will deliver at this event. . . full-on support for the public option. Clearly this is hear-say at this point and no one knows anything until the POTUS opens his own mouth and offers his own words in full and clear support for the public option.
But I feel hopeful. More than I have in awhile that rumors of the death of the public option have been greatly exaggerated. The fat lady hasn't sung. It ain't over until it is over. And all that jazz.
Count me in as an official ex-hand wringer. I think this is going to happen!